Hi, I'm Rikaiyah Winters!

I'm a Front End Web Developer who creates beautiful, memorable websites in Mississippi.


Female Supervillain Trading Card App

Female Supervillain Trading Card App

Dynamic web app that stores and displays female supervillain trading cards built with SQL database, Jinja templating, and REST API.

Skills: Jinja Templating, REST API Framework, SQL Databases

Tools: Replit

live page
Language Translator

Dog Image Gallery

Created a photo gallery of different dog breeds using the REST API and user input. Made With the Dog API and Flask templating, .

Skills: Flask Web Framework, Jinja Templating, REST API Framework, Routing Requests

Tools: Replit

live page
Language Translator

Language Translator

Used CSV and GUI modules to build a language translator that uses a spreadsheet of common words in English and translates the words into Spanish and French.

Skills: Computational Thinking, Control Structures, Data Types, Functions, Loops, Object-Oriented Programming, Variables

Tools: Replit

live page
Quotivation thumbnail


Motivational web app that retrieves a group of quotes from an API and allows visitors to favorite up to 3 quotes as well as sort by category.

Skills: React, JSX, Hooks

Tools: Netlify, Props, State

live page
Boba Generator

Boba Generator

Basic item generator that gives random boba drink and topping flavors. Perfect if you like boba, are indecisive, and are bold enough to try something new and random!

Skills: React, JSX, Components

Tools: Netlify, Props, State

live page


Developer Skills




Responsive web development

Version Control

Git and GitHub


Media Queries

Responsive Typography


Manipulatie the DOM


Managing Data Flow

Quality Assurance Skills

Black-Box Testing

Gray-Box Testing

End to End/System Testing

Regression Testing

Mobile Testing

Accessibility Testing


Tech Stack

Chrome DevTools

GitHub Pages


Visual Studio Code




Axe DevTools


Hi! I’m Rikaiyah Winters.

I'm a Front End Web Developer with a passion for creating clean, responsive websites.

I enjoy front end development because I am a visual person, and I love being able to see the web projects that I’ve built come to life. A bit more about me: I have a Chemical Engineering degree, but I started my professional career as a Quality Assurance Analyst. In my free time I like to exercise, listen to music, and travel. I am also currently learning three foreign languages: French, Greek, and Japanese!

Can't wait to work with you!